Category My Journey

My journey – describes my personal experiences with robotic land mowers

Problems with the robotic mower


Good days. The first few days of mowing went by without incident. But then the problems began with the robot mower. Almost every time in the meadow, there were messages on the phone, such as:  Mower Trapped, Mower lifted, Upside…

Robot mower first mow.

Roger (the robot lawn mower) first mow Initial cable installation completed (described in previous post), it was time for the robot to do the first mowing. Although the lawn was already longer than recommended, I decided not to mow the…

Installation of a robot mower.

Installation of a robot mower. The installation of a robot mower – it can’t be complicated. Charging station to place, nail boundary wire, robot to work, and you can enjoy the freedom of mowing. 🙂 In fact, it was a…

Finally robot lawn mower arrived!

Finally robot lawn mower arrived! I had to wait a few weeks for the robot lawn mower to arrive. At the time of ordering, the 2021 model had just been put up for sale and had not yet arrived at…

Which robot mower should I buy?

Which robot mower should I buy? So my plan to buy a robot mower was solid. Now the question arises, which robot mower should I buy? Before the choice was made, the necessary characteristics had to be clarified. Fortunately, there…

How it all began

How it all began. Last spring, when the snow began to melt, the idea was to give up the weekly lawn mowing. There were several reasons for this: The usual gasoline lawn mower is noisy. Continuous consumption of petrol and…