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Finally robot lawn mower arrived!

I had to wait a few weeks for the robot lawn mower to arrive. At the time of ordering, the 2021 model had just been put up for sale and had not yet arrived at the warehouse.

Finally, one day, the call that was expected came from the courier, and I got the bright orange package.
I dragged the package into the room and unbuckled it.

As you can see from the photo, the contents of the box were:

  • a bunch of instructions
  • the robot land mower itself
  • battery charging station
  • power supply unit
  • barrier cable
  • plastic nails
  • charging station fixing screws
  • ACS box

In order to facilitate the installation, I have removed from the lid of the box the device for measuring the distance of the barrier cable and the template of the right-angled rotation.

The robot land mower itself seemed high-quality and handsome. First I installed ACS module. Then I’ve connected the power supply to the charging station. I put the battery in the robot and raised the robot to charge it to the charging station.
When the battery was charged, I connected the robot to the home Wi-Fi network – the instructions is here.

On the weekend I started installing the cable. How it went, you can read about the next post.

Worx Landroid and ACS in the Amazon web shop: