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How it all began.

Last spring, when the snow began to melt, the idea was to give up the weekly lawn mowing. There were several reasons for this:
  1. The usual gasoline lawn mower is noisy.
  2. Continuous consumption of petrol and annual maintenance.
  3. The gasoline-powered lawn mower pollutes.
  4. A regular lawn mower takes a lot of space.
  5. And most importantly, mowing the lawn takes time.
Some of these reasons can be solved by purchasing an electric lawnmower. But the main problem – time-consuming – is not solved.  Our family garden is not very large, with a total area of ~1,100 square meters, a mowing area of about 700-800 square meters.  However, it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to mow it properly. Why can’t the lawnmower do his own job? But it is! There is a significant selection of robot lawn mowers from many long-term manufacturers and also from newcomers.  Since there are already a significant number of manufacturers, I have decided to look more closely at the more well-known producers and some exciting newcomers. The initial selection was as follows:

I’ll tell you about the choice of a robot in the next post.